How to Use Adobe Patcher Zii 2020?

Use Adobe Zii PatcherHlw, Everyone below our TNTZii.Com share new topic how to install Adobe Zii or Adobe Ziii install process or Adobe Ziii install problem or Adobe Ziii not working or how to active Adobe Ziii etc. If you face any of this problem hurry read this problem.

Firstly, Gatekeeper need to be disabled fully if you wish to run this free activation software.

  • Install Adobe Creative Cloud App or Application at trial versions
  • After set up or install process done, launch the app as soon as then quit completely.
  • Run the Adobe Zii, and click on on PATCH OR DRAG the app into the Zii home windows (within the case the adobe software program was not installed into /Applications folder)

Adobe Zii Patcher 2020 latest Version Link: Click here

Adobe Zii 2019 Version Link: Click here

Adobe Zii Old Version Link: Click Here

Why and When you should use DRAG instead of PATCH?

Once you click on PATCH button, all existing Adobe apps will be patched again. If patched apps are working without any potential issues, there are no reasons to patch them again. Some probably paid for the licenses on particular apps. Some even does not install adobe apps into Applications folder, and PATCH will not work.

Just locate the Adobe app ( is an example), then drag and drop it into the Zii interface window.

How to know if Zii gets Adobe app activated successfully?

It’s true that even the Trial and Expiry notification exist, but the app actually is activated successfully. To check that, from the app interface > Help > You will see K’ed by TNT Team status.

Right here is the successful activation Process Photo:

Adobe Zii TNT

Troubleshooting Unexpected Issues:

Some Issues below:

  • Adobe Zii quit unexpectedly
  • Adobe Zii que es
  • Adobe Zii 2020 quit unexpectedly
  • Adobe Zii o que é
  • Adobe Ziipara que sirve
  • Adobe Zii guide
  • Adobe Zii Patcher quit unexpectedly

By reasons, you get fails, how to get rid of possible circumstances?

OR In any case, you may encounter the following issues:

  • The adobe software program crashes or doesn’t work accurately
  • Trial still exists or be expired, simply ignore. If the app won’t start, so do not worry below i share you best solutions:

Adobe Zii Patcher not working common issues and others problem, To solve i give you three solution. So follow our solutions and enjoy full features any Adobe CC Any Version lifetime.

First Solution:

+ Run the following two commands in Terminal (found in /Applications/Other/:

sudo killall ACCFinderSync “Core Sync” AdobeCRDaemon “Adobe Creative” AdobeIPCBroker node “Adobe Desktop Service” “Adobe Crash Reporter”

sudo rm -rf “/Library/Application Support/Adobe/SLCache/” “/Library/Application Support/Adobe/SLStore/” “/Library/Caches/.”* “/private/tmp/zx”* “~/Library/Preferences/Adobe/.”*

+ Patch the adobe software again or run Zii again. After that, if the problems remain the same, take the solution two.

Second Solution:

+ Uninstall the affected adobe software or products, then use CCleaner to cleanup all caches. After that, attempt to install the software and then Patch it again.

+ Now you see it’s working fine.

CCleaner Mac latest Version Link: Click here

Third Solution:

+ First uninstalling Adobe Acrobat Pro/Adobe Any Products, running the Cleaner, and then – importantly – finding all the reminants of Acrobat/Adobe Any Products on your Mac.

I suggest deleting everything under

/Library/Application\ Support/Adobe

/var/root/Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/Acrobat (Adobe Products)/

/Users//Library/Application\ Support/Adobe

+ Then reboot your Mac PC.

+ Now again install/reinstall Adobe Acrobat Pro/Adobe Any Products.

+ Download our latest version zii patcher and use drag & drop method.

+ All Done! Now Enjoy Full Features 🙂

Catalina Users Solution:

Opening Adobe Zii Patcher Update version on macOS Catalina:

  1. Open System Preferences > ‘Security & Privacy’.
  2. Click the lock and enter the administrator password.
  3. Open Adobe Zii. In System Preferences, a warning will appear.
  4. Click ‘Open Anyway”.

Adobe Acrobat DC doesn’t work check this solution:

Download Adobe Zii Patcher our website and put the app in the Applications folder, rename it so there are no spaces and in the Terminal enter

xattr -cr /Applications/[AppName].app
Example: xattr -cr /Applications/


sudo chmod +x “/Applications/Adobe Zii 2020 Zii 2020 5.3.2”

See more details about this article Click Here

Adobe CC (Any Version) crashes and won’t open:

Try the following steps:

  • Go to the System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Accessibility
  • Click on the + sign under Allow the apps below to control your computer
  • Go to the Applications folder and select the Photoshop and click Open

How To Fix AdobeZii is Damaged Can’t Be Opened: Click this link for solution


So enjoy! Don’t forget share our post

Adobe Zii Update Version
Editor at  |  + posts

I am Jack George, a content writer working at I have a passion for writing love letters, listening to beautiful stories, and creating captivating fantasies.

I find joy in my work, and I strive to collaborate with trust while ensuring that my writing resonates positively with readers.

96 Replies to “How to Use Adobe Patcher Zii 2020?”

  1. Dear Jack
    thanks for your contribution for us in deeply.
    but, unfortunately I still don’t have crack Adobe Pro DC .20040 version.
    1. how to Open Adobe Zii. In System Preferences, a warning will appear.??
    2. Where is the links for CCleaner??

  2. Hi Jack

    I am trying to use the patch, but I got this message:

    The application “Adobe Zii 2019 4.4.8” can’t be opened.

  3. Hi.
    Thanks sharing all this programs.
    One question:
    is it possible to update the Adobe programs through the Adobe tool or to avoid that.
    best regards


  4. Hi Jack,
    Thanks for your effort.

    What should I do when the following popped out during PATCH.
    I clicked OK and input the admin password and zii said complete. But I cannot open any app.
    I am in 10.15 Catalina

    Root permission required
    Following apps need root permission:

    ● Adobe Illustrator
    ● Adobe Media Encoder CC 2019
    ● Adobe Photoshop CC 2019
    ● Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019
    ● Adobe Lightroom Classic

    Click OK to patch using root permissions.

  5. Trying to use Adobe Zii 2020 for Photoshop 20.0.07 on macOS Catalina.
    I cannot activate it and get the message: “This product is not supported”

    1. hey,
      If you went to active adobe products 2019 version try our new zii patcher 4.5.0 version link here

      Or if you face any problem adobe zii 5.0.0 version check this Solution

  6. Hey I get an error that says “product not supported” when I try and run the patch for Adobe Photoshop CC 2019. Can you help, please?

  7. hello, download the latest version but at the time of trying to patch it it starts loading and the second one comes out completed, and no program patches me, as if I can’t find them, and if I drag the lightroom to adobe zii I get this product not supported

    1. hey,
      If you went to active adobe products 2019 version try our new zii patcher 4.5.0 version link here

      Or if you face any problem adobe zii 5.0.0 version check this Solution

  8. MacOs 10.15. Not able to patch any Adobe applications.

    Tried clean install. Removing all remnants of Adobe + CCleaner.
    Tried Catalina workaround, system preferences unlock etc + drag.
    Every time all apps “This product is not supported”

    Please advise.

    1. hey, if zii patcher 5 not working your MacOs 10.15. try old version zii you find download link our website or try this pacther

  9. Hi,

    Illustrator 23.1.1 and Photoshop 20.0.7
    Zii 5.0
    On Catalina
    when running Zii, writes just operation completed. But apps still in trial mode, in Help menu no sign of patching.
    When dragging each app to Zii, I get error This product is not supported.
    What is wrong please?
    Thank you for your answer.

  10. Hello,
    I had the Adobe Zii 2019 4.4.5 that worked perfectly, and when I tried to open Photoshop it said my trial period has expired. I then tried to download the new Adobe Zii 2020 5.0.0, but when I try to open Photoshop it still tells me that my trial period ended… What can I do?
    I have macOS Mojave 10.14.4
    Thank you so much

    1. hey,
      If you went to active adobe products 2019 version try our new zii patcher 4.5.0 version link here

  11. Unfortunately v5 doesn’t do anything. Photoshop comes up with the 7 day trial
    And v4.5 won’t even open – have tried on two macs. So the latest version of Lightroom is now on a 7 day trial too

  12. Hi guys,
    I run macOS Catalina 10.15.1
    I downloaded the latest version to patch all my Adobe programs, but they don’t work.
    I tried Adobe Zii 2020 5.0.0 and Adobe Zii 2019 4.5.0

    I use Creative Cloud 2020. If I check my Photoshop, it says Photoshop 2020 21.0.0 version.
    Can you guys help me out please?


  13. I have PS and IL 2020. Updated today. But have this problem
    Adobe Zii 2020 5.0.1” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should eject the disk image.
    What to do? How to be?

  14. Thank you for posting.
    I have a question
    I installed photpshop cc 2020 21.0.0 and illustrator cc 2020 24.0.0
    though photoshop patched using zii 5.0.1
    it doesnt work in illustrator.
    do i have to wait for zii update?

  15. On catalina
    Installed Adobe Acrobat DC 19.021.20049.
    Using Adobezii 4.5.0.
    Patch and drag works, shows as completes, but “K’ed by TNT team” sign does not appear under help menu….

    I cleared cache, used cleaner, restarted and reinstalled.
    Still no luck..

    Any solution?


  16. Doesn’t work with Lightroom & Indesign
    Running in mojave
    Is there a way to find new trials once you canceled suscription?

  17. Running macOS Catalina 10.15.1
    After unzipped Zii v5.0.6, moved Adobe Zii 2020 in to Applications and renamed it to AdobeZii20205.0.6. Tried to run “sudo xattr -rd /Applications/” in Terminal. But got a message (The application “AdobeZii20205.0.6” can’t be opened.
    Noticed that Zii v5.0.6 is different from v5.0.5 which produced a dmg file after unzip. The dmg file runs well to patch Ps 21.0, Pr 14.0, an AE 17.0, but not Lr 9.0.
    Is there anyway to generate a dmg file with Zii v5.0.6?

    1. Hey,
      New version 5.0.7 release now please try now. Check our recent post for new update zii patcher

      Also Check this solution please

  18. Hey, guys!

    I am on Catalina. Installed LR, PS, AI latest versions through Creative Cloud. Tried dozens of combinations (using whole 3 mentioned solutions) to get LR 9.0 to be patched (using Adobe Zii 5.0.7). No luck.. For PS and AI – everything seems fine and patched.

    How do I know that LR has been patched? Any Status change in Preferences>>Lightroom Sync? Before clean install, I have deleted Adobe folder all content from both System and User App Support.
    As well I am getting message (also in the case with totally new email subscription for Adobe account) that my Trial has ended after clean install.

    I don’t have more ideas how to solve that..

  19. After 5.0.7 patch, Dreamweaver crashed upon opening. I also enable accessibility under System Preference>Privacy and have Dreamweaver 2020 checked.

  20. EXTRA thanks your great work!
    They saved my life.

    Just one q. : 5.0.7. worked great in Mojave but Acrobat not patched and not start. Wich time can i hope the acrobat patch?


  21. Please help me. I added “Adobe Zii 2020 5.0.7_[]”
    But I can not open Adobe XD. Please explain how to fix it

  22. Hello and great thanks for the work.
    But, i have big problems with LR Classic 2020.
    I can’t activated this. Lightroom is patched, but after 7 days, the trial-time is over.
    I patched Lightroom with Zii5.0.8
    All the other Programms starts and work great.

    any idea???

  23. same issue here, tried with 5.0.9 on LR Classic 9.0 and it says trial period expired and blocks the develop mode.
    I tried to uninstall, delete the files and stuff but no success.

  24. when will adobezii work for new lightroom cc? and if so, will it work for those whose trial is already over? used 5.0.9 and did not work

  25. Hello,

    I have done all 3 steps above multiple times. I deleted and tried reinstalling Photoshop 2020 but it says that patching may fail because a new version of Photoshop 2020 was released, and to use at your own risk. App won’t open now… please upload a newer version to the Zii Patcher 5.0.9 this is not working. Thank you.

  26. hola, me sale esto:
    “Adobe Zii 2019 4.5.0” está dañado y no se puede abrir. Debes expulsar la imagen de disco.

    que puedo hacer

  27. Hello

    I have tried and it did put “K’ed by TNT team” however there’s still the “7 Days Free Trial” tab so I wonder if it’s actually working correctly?

    1. How to know if Zii gets Adobe app activated successfully?
      It’s true that even the Trial and Expiry notification exist, but the app actually is activated successfully. To check that, from the app interface > Help > You will see K’ed by TNT Team status.

  28. Hi there,

    Lightroom V9.1 seems not to be getting patched with the latest adobe zii 5.1.1

    Have tried all the methods and it wont work.

  29. Thank you so much!!!! I successfully patched several programs and then canceled my trail. I had to rename the patch and move to applications folder to get it to work. AE, Premiere, Media Encoder, Photoshop and Illustrator are all working!

  30. Hi,

    Thanks so much for creating this – it has worked for Illustrator but Photoshop is still counting down the days until the free trial expires (2 days left). It says K’ed by tnt team at the bottom of the help menu though? Does this mean that I will still be able to use it after these 2 days are up?


    1. How to know if Zii gets Adobe app activated successfully?
      It’s true that even the Trial and Expiry notification exist, but the app actually is activated successfully. To check that, from the app interface > Help > You will see K’ed by TNT Team status.

  31. Hi George! I’ve tried all the ways you suggested for installed zii.5.2.1 (opened the Terminal and entered all the options you give, changed preferences and disabled gatekeeper, even sudo spctl –master-disable. Buts still stuborn don’t open the app. Thanks for your help from Spain! (I have an Imac 2019/Catalina)

    1. i think you something wrong Catalina working fine… please check
      There MUST be 2 dashes before the word master for the commands to run.
      NOT THIS
      Run: sudo spctl –master-disable
      Run: spctl –status

      BUT THIS
      Run: sudo spctl –master-disable
      Run: spctl –status

      or more info

  32. Hi Jack,

    Thanks so much for all your work!
    I just switched to a new mac with catalina, installed Lightroom classic 9.1 and used Adobe Zii 2020. After following your guides o how to get zii working it all seems to work, but in the end if I check in Lightroom, I don’t see any sign of the crack, under help. I followed literally every step on this page, including removing every adobe thing on my mac.
    It seems to work, but I don’t think it cracks. Any tips?

    1. hey, LR currently works on some mac and not others. If latest version not working your mac, you need to wait new zii patcher

      1. Hi Jack, I have tried following the instruction to use 5.1.6 several times but I always get the same message The application “AdobeZii20205.1.6” can’t be opened.

        Gatekeeper is successfully changed to allow all applications, so that is not the issue.

        Today, while entering the commands in Terminal, I got this message…
        “The default interactive shell is now zsh.
        To update your account to use zsh, please run `chsh -s /bin/zsh”

        Any suggestions?

        1. hey, “The default interactive shell is now zsh” it’s not zii patcher problem. if you went to solve this problem please search google “How to Change the Default Shell to Bash on macOS”

  33. Thank you very much, Jake.
    I successfully made it by solving above issue. However, I fail to open Illustrator CC 2019 on my mac with Catalina ver. Some notice did show up when patching. It’s “Adobe Illustrator version 23.01 does not match supported version 23.0.3/23.0.4/23.05/23.06/23.1.0/23.1.1. Patching may fail! Use at your risk!”. Could you please give me any instruction in this case?

  34. Hi, to all. Thanks a lot.
    I’ve downloaded AdobeZii 5.1.8 an after double click for open it, I have the message “Impossibile aprire l’applicazione “Adobe Zii 2020 5.1.8” (“Adobe Zii 2020 5.1.8” couldn’t be opened”); so i can’t do nothing.

  35. THANKS A LOT!!

  36. Hi!!
    Thank you for your genius talent donation.
    I successfully downloaded the first version of the zii file.
    But it only loads Photoshop and the window doesn’t turn on.
    What should I do?

    1. hey, I think the problem with “radio silence app” so try to block connection of photoshop with radio silence.

  37. Hello Jack,

    I tried to install the Adobe Zii but still Photoshop and Illustrator showing Trial period.
    Can you share the steps in more detail again so that I can try and get this issue resolved.

    Thanks and Regards,

  38. Hola Jack,

    Muchas gracias por tu aporte. Instale Adobe Zii 7.0.0, va bien Photoshop aunque aún muestran el período de prueba. Pero Illustrator al abrir sale el mensaje para que active y se cierra. He probado todas las soluciones que aportáis en la página, pero ninguna funciona…¿alguien con el mismo problema?

    Mi versión de IOS es Monterey 12.4

    Gracias y Saludos,

    1. Adobe Zii 7.0.0 support below products only –
      Photoshop Elements 2022
      Premiere Elements 2022

      Other version not working

      More info –

  39. Hi there. I just got a new MacBook with the VenturaOS (13.15.1) and I think I’m having a little bit of trouble installing the Adobe programms.

    I’ve downloaded AdobeZii 7.0.0. and I’m trying to patch Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere and InDesign – the most recent versions of all the programs, since those were the ones I was able to download the “free trial” at Adobe’s website. When I try and patch each application, I always got the alert “This product is not supported”. What can I do? Can you please help me?

    Thank you so much in advance

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