Adobe Zii Can’t be opened Big Sur 2021 Solved

Adobe Zii Big Sur 11.0

adobe zii Big SurHey,
Many visitors comment Adobe Zii 2021 Big Sur or Big Sur not working adobe zii or adobe zii not working Big Sur 11. We already post solution another post our website. Here we again report with only adobe zii mac Big Sur install process method with latest version zii patcher 2021. So follow bellow solutions fix your problem. We test this solutions, so it’s work 100%.

  1. First Download AdobeZii 2021 6.1.7 Our Website (Download link Post Below)
  2. Unzip
  3. Enter the password –
  4. Move Adobe Zii 6.1.7_TNT_TNTZii.Com.dmg file to the Applications folder.
  5. Open and move Adobe Zii 2021 6.1.7 (.app) to the applications folder.
  6. Take all the spaces out of Adobe Zii 2021 6.1.7 so it looks like this AdobeZii20216.1.7
  7. Open Terminal
  8. Run: sudo bash

enter your user password if needed.

  1. Run: sudo spctl –master-disable (notice two dashes before ‘master’ Like sudo spctl –master-disable)
  2. Run: spctl –status

to check gatekeeper has been disabled. It will say “assessments disabled”.

  1. Run: xattr -rd /Applications/
  2. Open Adobe Zii 2021 6.1.7 from applications folder and then drag and patch. SUCCESS ???? (for me at least)

Re enable Gatekeeper.

  1. Run: sudo spctl –master-enable (notice two dashes before ‘master’ Like sudo spctl –master-enable)
  2. Check status run: spctl –status

(it will say assessments enabled)

OR try another Method

“Adobe Zii Damaged Can’t Be Opened” or adobe zii damaged solution or any problem solution / adobe zii is damaged and can’t be opened. you should move it to the trash / adobe zii is damaged and can’t be opened. you should move it to the bin / adobe zii disk damaged / Adobe Zii is damaged. Please eject the disk image / adobe zii file damaged / adobe zii 2021 damaged error messages in Mac OS Sierra, High Sierra, Catalina, Big Sur and other version are a common error when you try to install a non-App Store application. In this article I show you have to fix the problem simply.

  1. Open a Terminal with appropriate privileges (“sudo bash” to make you root on most systems)
  2. Enter the following, substituting “AppName (AdobeZii)” with the real name of the app (Applications folder, rename it so there are no spaces):

xattr -cr /Applications/ (


Run rhis command on terminal xattr -cr “zii location”
Example: xattr -cr /user/desktop/Adobe Zii 2021


sudo chmod +x “/Applications/Adobe Zii 2021 Zii 2021 6.1.7”

  1. Press Enter to run the command.

This should fix the problem!

All done! Now enjoy!


Rename Adobe to —–> Without spaces

Open Terminal, Paste this:
sudo chmod -R 777 (Your directory)
example: /Users/username/Desktop/

Right Click and Run, Done!


Check below Solution……..

  • Open the main .dmg, click into the folder and then drag that Application file to your applications.
  • Rename that file some without any “.”s so I just call it “Zii”.
  • Right click and hold ‘option’ click “Copy Zii as Pathname”
  • Open Terminal and type “xattr -cr ” (notice there’s a space before & after “-cr”) and then press CMD+V (pasting the pathname) and click enter.
  • Now when you open the application it should work.

Hope that helps.

How to know if Zii gets Adobe app activated successfully?

It’s true that even the Trial and Expiry notification exist, but the app actually is activated successfully. To check that, from the app interface > Help > You will see K’ed by TNT Team status.

Right here is the successful activation Process Photo:

Adobe Zii TNT

Some helpful details below check now….

Download Adobe Zii 2021 Version CC

Adobe Zii Click Here

Download Adobe Zii 2020 Version CC

Adobe Zii Click Here

Download Adobe Zii 2019 Version CC

Adobe Zii Click Here

How to Install Adobe Zii Patcher?

Solutions Click Here

How To Fix AdobeZii Damaged Can’t Be Opened?

Solutions Click Here

All END! Please try all solution then comment….

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Adobe Zii Update Version
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I am Jack George, a content writer working at I have a passion for writing love letters, listening to beautiful stories, and creating captivating fantasies.

I find joy in my work, and I strive to collaborate with trust while ensuring that my writing resonates positively with readers.

16 Replies to “Adobe Zii Can’t be opened Big Sur 2021 Solved”

  1. I upgraded to big sur 11.1, and no matter what I do, i keep getting “You do not have permission to open the application “AdobeZii20216.0.6”. and I am the administrator!

    Please help

    1. use GateKeeper Helper script you find download link this article below

  2. Unfortunately no solution worked on my Big Sur 11.1, the window “You do not have permission to open the application Adobe Zii” keeps popping up, I would appreciate if anyone has any additional solutions to keep trying.

    1. check below solution we already post here .. also try GateKeeper Helper script you find download link below article

      How To Fix Adobe Zii is Damaged Can’t Be Opened link here

      Adobe Zii Can’t be opened Big Sur 2021 Solved link here

      How to Use Adobe Zii 2021? link here

  3. I still can’t patch. Big Sur 1.1 user. I tried everything but always the same message: “You do not have permission to open the application”. Is there any solution? Thanks.

    1. hey, we already post multi solution here check all solution… also try below
      Rename Adobe to —–> Without spaces

      Open Terminal, Paste this:
      sudo chmod -R 777 (Your directory)
      example: /Users/username/Desktop/

      Right Click and Run, Done!

        1. i think you press some wrong please check gatekeeper full instruction below link

  4. This worked to me with the app in the applications folder and changing the name:
    sudo chmod -R 777 /Applications/

  5. Hi, I’m new user in i Mac, may I know how to enter the followings details:
    Open Terminal, Paste this:
    sudo chmod -R 777 (Your directory)
    example: /Users/username/Desktop/
    I already try before but in vain, thank you for your help!!!

    1. sudo chmod -R 777 /Users/username/Desktop/

      username – use your pc name. – Use Adobe Zii version if you went to use zii v6.0.8 use this

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